
Are 毕业生 allowed to bring guests to commencement?

每个毕业生都将 receive 6 allocated tickets 2024年在斯图鲁斯举行的毕业典礼,并可以申请额外的门票. 今年将不会有2024年的备选观景区,因为已经足够了 tickets for guests in Sturrus.

对于那些不能亲自参加的人,有一个专业的毕业直播视频 将提供. The livestream video will be closed-captioned. It will also be available after the ceremony on the 十大赌博正规平台在线 YouTube channel 随时观看.


Does a baby or child that can sit on my lap need a ticket?

Yes, a baby or child will need a ticket.



Links to all livestream 视频 are available on our liverstream页面. 仪式结束后,将在网站上进行直播 十大赌博正规平台在线 YouTube channel 随时观看.


What is GradFest and what if I miss it?

你可以找到 out more about GradFest here.

如果您不能参加GradFest,但仍需要领取门票,请进入 touch with Student Affairs to arrange ticket pick-up.

To get your regalia, contact the Aquinas Bookstore at aquinas@bkstr.com or 616-632-2962.

要领取荣誉证书,请在上午8点到下午8点之间到注册办公室.m. 还有5p.m., Monday through Thursday, or 8 a.m. 到下午4:30.m. 在周五.  注册办公室 is in Hruby Hall's basement, Suite 30.



Please email your question to commencement@xkd007.com.




学院将遵循医学、公共卫生、政府和社会组织的建议 高等教育专家,特别是来自疾病控制中心的专家 和预防中心(CDC)、密歇根州和肯特县卫生部 (KCHD).

Michigan Covid 19 guidelines


Graduation Requirements

How do I know if I am approved for graduation?

如果你被批准毕业,你应该已经收到了一封电子邮件 completed Application 申请学位. The student should use the Application for Degree to verify all the remaining graduation requirements. 如果你提交了 向注册办公室申请学位,但尚未获得批准 email, please get in touch with 毕业审核员.


What is my Primary Major/Degree Title, and why is it important?

你的学位头衔是文学学士、理学学士或文学学士 Science in Business Administration. Your degree title correlates to your primary 主要. 例如,如果学生主修历史(第一专业),他们将获得学士学位 文学学士(学位). If a student is double 主要ing, they must pick their primary 主要. 例如,如果一个学生是双学位的历史(BA)和心理学 (学士),他们需要选择是想要文学学士(BA)还是文学学士(BA) Science (BS) to be their degree title. A student who is double 主要ing will earn 只有一度. They must pick one or the other. The primary degree choice will be printed on the diploma and called at commencement. Both 主要s will be published on 成绩单. For additional questions, please get in touch with the Graduation 审计师.


How do I know if I qualify for Honor Cords or Stoles?

十大赌博正规平台在线根据他们最近的成绩向本科生颁发荣誉证书 completed entire semester cumulative GPA.


You can learn about all these options here.



最终成绩单将与他们的文凭一起邮寄给学生. 如果你 需要你的成绩单的正式副本寄到别处,你可以去 www.getmytranscript.com. 我们与国家学生信息中心合作,及时提供成绩单 有效地. 如果你 need your transcript to reflect your graduation, mark the “Hold for Degree” option when ordering your transcript. 如果你 have questions about 成绩单和成绩单订单,请与记录专员联系 or 点击这里阅读更多.


When will I receive my diploma?

文凭将邮寄到学生申请学位候选人的家庭住址. 毕业证书将在最终成绩公布后3-6周寄出. 24 /春天最后 grades are due by faculty to the Registrar’s Office on May 17th.


What if I want to change how my 名字 is printed on my diploma?

你的文凭上的名字与你在申请表上列出的名字一致 申请学位. Your diploma is a legal document and must reflect your legal 名字. 要更改您希望在文凭上打印姓名的方式,请联系 Graduation 审计师 as soon as possible to avoid misprints. 如果你 have recently changed 你的名字,你必须提供法律文件毕业审核员(如.e., a copy of your Driver’s License).


What If I need to postpone my graduation?

如果您需要调到下一个毕业期,请与我们联系 毕业审核员.


What if I have a financial hold on my account?

只有当你的账户余额为零时,你的文凭才会被发放.  如果你是 unsure of your balance, check on 自助服务 or contact Student Accounts at (616) 632-2864.  Once your balance is paid, Student 账户将通知毕业审核员,你的文凭将被发放.



为了保持我们的认证和遵循联邦合规标准,十大赌博正规平台在线 必须有所有毕业生高中成绩单的最终正式副本吗.  成绩单 在你还在读高中的时候,你就经常在招生过程中收到这封信 学校. 在你的学位候选申请中注明,我们没有 a final transcript on file for you.  Your diploma will not be released to you until 成绩单 is received.



What do I wear to the Baccalaureate Mass?

参加毕业典礼弥撒时,穿著毕业礼服及丝带 是至关重要的. 兜帽和帽子只能在毕业典礼上佩戴. 


What do I wear to the 毕业典礼 Ceremony?

参加毕业典礼时,要穿礼服、兜帽、系绳、披肩 (if you choose), and cap is necessary. 看我们的 视频 on how to wear your commencement regalia properly.

我们要求毕业生不要穿高跟鞋,因为它们有绊倒的危险 在格栅坡道到毕业阶段,他们可能会对教练波造成损害 法院.


What time should I arrive for the Baccalaureate Mass? 我该去哪里?

毕业生应于上午9:30到达圣安德鲁大教堂.m. 有停车位 在大教堂停车场或天主教信息中心停车场.

Graduates will line up outside (rain or shine).

Physical programs will also be handed out at the Mass.


What time should I arrive for my commencement ceremony? 我在哪里办理登机手续?

Graduates will check in at Alksnis. The west entrance of Alksnis, accessed through the Mayfield Lot (Lot #4), will open for check-in at 12:30 p.m. 5月11日星期六. Graduates must arrive by 1:30 p.m.


Where and when do 毕业生 line up for the commencement ceremony?

在阿尔克斯尼斯大学的报到处,毕业生将收到一张印有他们名字的卡片. Please don't LOSE OR WRITE ON THIS CARD. Please keep this card with you whenever you 请给我一个机会,因为当你走过舞台时,你的名字会被要求念出来. 毕业生将按学位的字母顺序排列:副学士、学士和学士 Master on the Alksnis track. They will be led in procession outside of Alksnis through 梅菲尔德停车场和斯图鲁斯前门附近,他们将继续在那里进行处理 into Coach Bo's gymnasium.


Will there be a commencement procession?

毕业生将从阿尔克尼斯的西侧经过梅菲尔德地块和 around into Sturrus Sports and Fitness Center. There will be a cordon of faculty, 校董会、校董会、校务委员会等成员为学生办理通过 斯图鲁斯的正门入口. At this time, the procession will not be livestreamed.



The College will monitor the weather before commencing activities. 在…的情况下 天气恶劣,开学活动如有变动,将另行通知 毕业生.


Where do I park for my commencement ceremony?

Please take a look at the page on 毕业典礼上停车.


Will programs be available at the commencement ceremony?



Will 毕业生 receive diplomas at the commencement ceremony?

毕业生将不会在毕业典礼上接受毕业证书. 文凭是 在期末成绩到期后3-6周邮寄到毕业生的家庭住址.


Will 毕业生 walk across the stage?

Yes, 毕业生 will be walking across a stage.


What do you think about commencement photography?

有关注册专业摄影的详细信息请访问 毕业典礼 Photography page.


Will there be an alternate viewing location on campus?

Yes, there will be several alternate viewing locations. While at GradFest, each graduate can request up to four alternate seating tickets. A ticket is required to enter our alternate viewing locations.


Will there be a video recording available after commencement?

毕业典礼的直播录像将在网站上提供 十大赌博正规平台在线 YouTube channel following the event for viewing at any time.