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2023年5月- 2024年5月


连接 & 福祉:大急流城的民族志探索

珍·伦德鲁姆和阿拉贝拉·卡明斯本研究的目的是了解一个人的幸福状态 生活在大急流城的形形色色的人. 这项研究探讨了 结构性力量,特别是公共空间和交通(通道和 障碍)有助于整体福祉和连通性.  这项研究还寻求 to understand the implications of the pandemic on mental health and overall well-being. 最后一个目标是继续探索导致……的复杂因素 poor mental health in Grand Rapids, in particular two key interrelated factors: sense 归属感和真实性,以及社会压力和规范. 这项研究将 主要是通过人种学方法进行的,尤其是在自行车上.  我们将 骑自行车穿越城市,探索城市的基础设施和连通性 city and, through qualitative research methods, seek to answer our core research questions 关于在大急流城的生活经历,关于格兰德的城市和社区 急流和整体健康.

指导教师:博士. Jen Lendrum,社会学


Grahm Staib

格雷厄姆·斯泰布和罗杰·达勒姆俄罗斯于2022年2月24日入侵乌克兰. 使用的语言和理由 by Russian President Putin in his speeches and writings are grounded in the long-held “Russian World” doctrine that holds that Ukraine belongs to the greater Russian sphere. This is justified by the argument that Kyiv - being the site of the Baptism of the 罗斯-是俄罗斯东正教开始的基础. 战争就是这样进行的 以种族和宗教为依据,表明普京的地缘政治目标 are in concert with that of Russia’s official church, which seems to be backing the 普京政权在乌克兰的行动. 本研究将探讨历史 relationship between the Putin regime and the Russian Orthodox Church as it relates 到乌克兰战争.

指导教师:博士. 罗杰·达勒姆,政治学



戴安娜·洛克斯塔德和朱莉·沙茨-史蒂文斯 目前的研究表明,暴露于家庭暴力是很多人 个人的脸. 一系列一致的研究结果也强调了两者之间的强大联系 早期虐待与心理、社会、情感和认知发展有关. 我们的项目, the 克服逆境研究, will use a qualitative approach to investigate individuals’ 童年早期不良经历. 我们将进行2-3次半结构化面试 to explore participants' childhood trauma, early parental care-giving, relationships with family, current intimate relationship behaviors and emotional and social adjustment. We intend to analyze the themes that arise from the interview data to better understand 父母如何感知和回应早期的不良经历. 此外, sibling abuse has been identified as the most common form of family violence and is 通常被认为是正常的兄弟姐妹行为. 出于这个原因,我们也将进行探索 participants' experiences with sibling behaviors, particularly physical and verbal 侵略. 本研究旨在填补家庭暴力领域的重大空白 to increase awareness, promote prevention of childhood adversity, and facilitate supportive 针对高危家庭和家庭暴力受害者的项目. 

指导教师:博士. 朱莉Schatz-Stevens 




约瑟夫·斯宾塞和艾丁·梅哈诺维奇我们将探讨涉及曼卡拉机制的各种问题.  这些包括 finding bounds for efficient movement of stones and variations on the puzzle Tchoukaillon.

指导教师:博士. 约瑟夫·斯宾塞,数学



丽贝卡·贝尔特兰和迈克尔·麦克丹尼尔All the elliptic geometry developments done through Mohler-Thompson since 2018 have 三维应用. 我们计划在Blender中使用VR建模来创建动画 为了说明我们的想法. 我们还计划开发二重积分和三重积分公式 根据我们的几何. 

指导教师:博士. 迈克尔·麦克丹尼尔,数学




"In the twentieth century, the world underwent numerous changes, with one of the most 值得注意的是核武器的发明和发展. 在这个新的核 age, global superpowers such as the US and the USSR began an arms race which threatened 本世纪下半叶脆弱的地缘政治稳定. 这场冷战 period reached its hottest point in October of 1962 when the USSR stationed nuclear 在距离美国本土仅90英里的加勒比海岛国古巴发射导弹. 我们的 summer research project seeks to understand the events and legacy of the Cuban Missile Crisis from the perspective of the Cuban government and people, therefore supplementing 一种对这一事件经常不被重视和理解的观点. 此外, the research will illuminate both the symbol that Cuba was for Latin America in the second half of the twentieth century, as well as the current status quo of nuclear 政治与政策. 

指导教师:博士. 杰森·邓肯,历史


Alyssa Detweiler

我们将 use Aiptasia, a species of sea anemone that serves as a model for studying 这些无脊椎动物是造礁珊瑚. 共生形成共生体 relationship with photosynthetic dinoflagellate algae (Symbiodinium) that is crucial for the survival of the anemone or coral as the disruption of this 共生 leads 导致白化和寄主的死亡. 然而,人们对如何做到这一点知之甚少 这些有机体在细胞和分子水平上相互作用. 我们的目标 是为了帮助描述一些介导这种共生关系的分子. 我们是 particularly interested in the function of scavenger receptor B class member 1 (SRB1). Notably, SRB1 is known to mediate host-parasite interactions during malaria infection and this protein is dramatically upregulated following the establishment of cnidarian-dinoflagellate 共生. 

指导教师:博士. L. 罗伯·彼得斯,生物学


不同B组对角质细胞和巨噬细胞死亡的影响分析 链球菌分离株

丽贝卡·弗莱厄蒂和杰西卡·基恩"Group B Streptococcus is an opportunistic bacterial pathogen that is most well-known for its ability to cause serious pregnancy complications and life-threatening infections 在新生儿. 然而,这种病原体越来越被认为是一种主要的病原体 agent for skin and soft tissue infections, especially among individuals with underlying 疾病. 虽然已经采取了实质性的步骤来了解的机制 infection GBS employs during pregnancy and neonatal complications, much less is known 它能引起皮肤和软组织的感染. 为了解决这个问题 knowledge gap, we plan to explore GBS-mediated cell death in two important cell types 它们都存在于人类皮肤,角质形成细胞和巨噬细胞中. 我们计划使用 these cells to first quantify the extent to which GBS induces cell death over time, 然后确定gbs诱导细胞死亡发生的机制.  此外, we will compare human cell responses to four different strains of GBS, as GBS strains 不同序列和胶囊类型的毒力不同. 我们对此抱有希望 work will provide insights into how GBS leads to severe infections in the skin and 为什么有些菌株往往比其他菌株更危险."

指导教师:博士. 丽贝卡·弗莱厄蒂,生物学


自然,哲学,希腊语和拉丁语亚里士多德的物理学和圣. 托马斯·十大赌博登录官网的《论  理由Naturae

丹尼尔·瓦格纳和马修·斯塔斯这个项目包括对古希腊形式,语法,句法, and vocabulary in order to acquire a basic understanding necessary for producing philosophical 亚里士多德著作的翻译. 学生和教师导师将合作 to produce a philosophical translation of important selections from Aristotle’s Physics I-II,与St. 托马斯·十大赌博登录官网的《自然原理论 的内容. 我们的目标将是产生一个哲学翻译的文本 当代讲英语的人都能很好地理解物理学 与发展中的自然原则的翻译一致.

指导教师:博士. 丹尼尔·瓦格纳(哲学)




Along with 劳伦磨刀石, I will be conducting research regarding the following 询问:土壤和特定土地用途吸收了多少碳? 研究 被分成了两个部分. 首先,我们会去各个地方收集 不同的土壤样品. 然后我们将采集这些土壤样本并通过发现来分析它们 它们的体积密度分析使用ped/几何方法和纹理分析 使用浮标法. 然后将使用圆柱体计算该信息 排水量. 在此之后,使用一维和二维NMR, FTIR和UV/vis (including complexation with metals) for our spectroscopic analysis and using a variety of solvents and extraction conditions we are going to try and find correlations between found characteristics and common classes of organic materials in 土壤, as well as correlations between the soil characteristics and carbon sequestration potential in 长期来看. 最终,我们希望找到一种简单的光谱方法 这可以适应野外便携式技术.

指导教师:博士. 凯文·博伊德,化学




诺亚·赖利,劳伦·惠特斯通. 拉斯穆森在12周的时间里,我和诺亚·赖利在一起,并接受了. 拉斯穆森和 Dr. Boyd, I will be conducting research aiming to explore amounts of soil carbon sequestration and variance in carbon levels relative to different land management practices; the 研究过程将涉及土壤和土地利用类别的可靠样本量. Research is split into sections; the first section involving physical analysis using Bouyoucos方法. 土壤的采样和分析过程将对土壤进行解释 type/series, texture classes, land use, tillage practices, and crop rotations in agricultural 土壤. 第二部分涉及化学分析,涉及现场开发 测试套件. 1D和2D NMR, IR和UV-Vis,包括与金属络合 spectroscopic analysis, along with a variety of solvents and extraction conditions, will help identify correlations between results and classes of organic materials in 并提供固碳潜力. 总的来说,检查空间和 不同土壤中碳捕获的时间方面将提供有意义的研究 在更好地了解土壤碳固存方面的进展,并打算 a pilot study for future work to investigate the seasonality of carbon sequestration.

指导教师:博士. 吉姆·拉斯穆森,地理/环境研究