key in a lock with a doorknobCampus Safety is committed to leading the shared responsibility to provide safety and security to all College stakeholders as well as the facilities and property maintained by the College. As one of many tools in maintaining strong physical security, well-functioning doors and locks protect both persons and property. Doors, locks, and keys need occasional repair to provide security. This site provides Aquinas community members the opportunity to request door, lock, and key services. These services harden physical security for Aquinas property and provide a layer of safety for our community.

  • Campus Safety can re-key any College lock on doors, file cabinets, desks, padlocks, and mailboxes.
  • In accordance with College policies, Campus Safety will issue upon request keys to doors, file cabinets, desks, padlocks, and mailboxes. Additionally, Campus Safety controls card swipe access, including the issuance of IDs and punch code locks.
  • A resident who is locked out of her/his room may be let into the room by Residence Life staff or a Campus Safety officer. This service is provided at no additional cost for up to three (3) times in an academic year. Subsequent key-ins will result in a $10 charge.
  • If a resident's key is lost, stolen, or misplaced, the resident's room lock may be changed and a new key issued at a cost of $30.
  • Campus Safety issues office name plates which are not only customer service friendly but clearly identify personnel with appropriate access to the labeled office.

The Aquinas College Key and Lock Policy acts as a guide for authorization, issuance, and return of the College's keys. One may review this policy by visiting: Lock and Key Policy.
Please note: No individual may replace an Aquinas lock with a personal lock or re-key a lock. Safety and security is a shared responsibility. If Aquinas issues you a key, you are responsible for the key. You may not loan or give out the key to another. All issued keys remain the property of the College and may not be duplicated.
Service Requests
Please select the appropriate form below to make your request.  All forms may be completed through any Internet connection but require Aquinas ELM login.

If you would like to follow up with a service request or to request information regarding the locksmith’s services, send an email to or call (616) 632-2449.
Q: I am a resident and lost my keys at a party. Does my residence hall room need to be re-keyed?
A: Based on information you provide, your Area Coordinator and Campus Safety will determine if your residence hall room lock needs to be re-keyed.